Labour is charged at £75.00 per hour with a two-hour minimum charge (plus parking and congestion charge if applicable).

Safety Certificates (EICR) start at £160.00 for domestic and £350.00 for commercial clients. 

Special Offer: Fuse Board/Consumer Unit upgrades to 18/2 Edition at a fixed price of £750.00. (All inclusive, up to 10 circuits, materials, labor, certifications, and warranty are all included; up to 15 ways £850.00). Wylex skeleton units £750.00.

We are registered with the NICEIC Approved Contractor Scheme for electrical contractors undertaking design, installation, commissioning and maintenance of electrical installations to British Standards 7671.

Call: 078 2500 2124  or 0203 006 0453  or E-mail: